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I synonyms and I related words

Synonyms -> I synonyms

List of I synonyms and I related words.

I myself, ace, alter, alter ego, alterum, anima, anima humana, atman, atom, ba, better self, breath, breath of life, buddhi, divine breath, ego, ethical self, he, heart, her, herself, him, himself, inner man, inner self, it, jiva, jivatma, khu, manes, me, mind, monad, my humble self, myself, nephesh, no other, none else, nothing else, nought beside, number one, one, one and only, oneself, other self, ourselves, pneuma, psyche, purusha, ruach, self, shade, shadow, she, soul, spirit, spiritual being, spiritus, subconscious self, subliminal self, superego, the self, them, themselves, they, unit, you, yours truly, yourself, yourselves