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adhesive synonyms and adhesive related words

Synonyms -> adhesive synonyms

List of adhesive synonyms and adhesive related words.

adherent, affixation, amylaceous, annexation, attachment, barnacle, binding, birdlime, bond, bramble, brier, bulldog, bulldogged, bulldoggish, bulldoggy, bullheaded, burr, cement, clabbered, clammy, clasping, clingy, clotted, coagulated, curdled, decal, decalcomania, doughy, fastener, fastening, fish glue, gaumy, gelatinous, girding, glairy, glue, gluelike, gluey, gluten, glutenous, glutinose, glutinous, gooey, grumous, gum, gumbo, gumbolike, gumlike, gummous, gummy, gunk, heavy, hooking, inspissated, jelled, jellied, jellylike, knot, lashing, leech, library paste, ligation, lime, limpet, lute, mastic, molasses, mucilage, mucilaginous, obstinate, paste, pasty, persistent, plaster, prickle, putty, remora, ropy, rubber cement, sealing wax, self-adhesive, size, slabby, slimy, slithery, solder, splice, starchy, stickable, sticker, sticking, sticky, stodgy, stringy, stubborn, syrup, syrupy, tacky, tenacious, thick, thickened, thorn, tieing, tough, tremelloid, tremellose, viscid, viscose, viscous, wafer, zipping