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affirmation synonyms and affirmation related words

Synonyms -> affirmation synonyms

List of affirmation synonyms and affirmation related words.

John Hancock, OK, Parthian shot, a priori principle, acceptance, accord, acquiescence, address, admission, affidavit, affirmance, affirmative, affirmative voice, agreement, allegation, answer, apostrophe, approbation, approval, apriorism, assent, assertion, asseveration, assumed position, assumption, attest, attestation, authentication, authorization, averment, avouchment, avowal, axiom, aye, backing, backing up, basis, bearing out, blessing, bolstering, buttressing, categorical proposition, certification, circumstantiation, comment, compliance, compurgation, confirmation, connivance, consent, corroboration, corroboratory evidence, countersignature, crack, data, declaration, deposition, dictum, disclosure, documentation, eagerness, endorsement, exclamation, expression, first principles, fortification, foundation, go-ahead, green light, greeting, ground, hypothesis, hypothesis ad hoc, imprimatur, instrument in proof, interjection, legal evidence, lemma, major premise, mention, minor premise, nod, notarization, notarized statement, note, observation, okay, permission, philosopheme, philosophical proposition, phrase, position, postulate, postulation, postulatum, premise, presupposition, profession, promptitude, promptness, pronouncement, proof, proposition, propositional function, proving, proving out, question, ratification, readiness, reflection, reinforcement, remark, rubber stamp, sanction, say, saying, seal, sentence, sigil, signature, signet, stamp, stamp of approval, statement, statement under oath, strengthening, subjoinder, submission, subscription, substantiation, sumption, support, supporting evidence, supposal, swearing, sworn evidence, sworn statement, sworn testimony, testimonial, testimonium, testimony, the nod, theorem, thesis, thought, truth table, truth-function, truth-value, undergirding, ungrudgingness, unloathness, unreluctance, utterance, validation, verification, visa, vise, vouching, warrant, willingness, witness, word