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amendment synonyms and amendment related words

Synonyms -> amendment synonyms

List of amendment synonyms and amendment related words.

Great Leap Forward, addendum, addition, advance, advancement, alteration, amelioration, ascent, attachment, bettering, betterment, bill, boost, calendar, change, change of allegiance, change of heart, change of mind, clause, companion bills amendment, correction, dragnet clause, editing, emendation, enacting clause, enhancement, enrichment, escalator clause, eugenics, euthenics, furtherance, headway, hold-up bill, improvement, joker, lift, melioration, mend, mending, motion, new birth, omnibus bill, paragraph, pickup, preferment, privileged question, progress, progression, promotion, proviso, question, rebirth, recension, reclamation, recovery, recrudescence, rectification, redaction, redemption, reform, reformation, regeneration, renascence, renewal, repair, rescript, rescription, restoration, revampment, revisal, revise, revised edition, revision, revival, rewrite, rewriting, rider, rise, saving clause, upbeat, uplift, upping, upswing, uptrend, upward mobility