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autistic synonyms and autistic related words

Synonyms -> autistic synonyms

List of autistic synonyms and autistic related words.

Barmecidal, Barmecide, acquisitive, affectless, airy, ambitious for self, anesthetized, apparent, apparitional, arctic, bashful, blunt, careerist, catatonic, chill, chilly, chimeric, close, cold, cold as charity, cold-blooded, coldhearted, cool, deceptive, delusional, delusionary, delusive, delusory, dereistic, dispassionate, dissociable, dreamlike, dreamy, drugged, dull, egotistical, emotionally dead, emotionless, erroneous, fallacious, false, fantastic, frigid, frosted, frosty, frozen, grasping, greedy, heartless, icy, idealistic, illusional, illusionary, illusive, illusory, imaginary, immovable, impassible, impassive, impractical, in the clouds, incompatible, individualistic, inexcitable, insociable, insusceptible, misleading, mopey, mopish, morose, narcissistic, nonemotional, nongregarious, objective, obtuse, ostensible, otherworldly, out of touch, passionless, personalistic, phantasmagoric, phantasmal, phantom, poetic, possessive, privatistic, quixotic, remote, romancing, romantic, romanticized, seeming, self-absorbed, self-admiring, self-advancing, self-besot, self-centered, self-considerative, self-contained, self-deceptive, self-deluding, self-devoted, self-esteeming, self-indulgent, self-interested, self-jealous, self-occupied, self-pleasing, self-seeking, self-serving, self-sufficient, selfish, snug, socially incompatible, soulless, specious, spectral, spiritless, starry-eyed, storybook, sullen, supposititious, transcendental, transmundane, unactual, unaffectionate, unclubbable, uncommunicative, uncompanionable, uncongenial, unemotional, unfeeling, unfounded, unfriendly, ungenial, unimpassioned, unimpressionable, unloving, unpassionate, unpractical, unreal, unrealistic, unresponding, unresponsive, unsociable, unsocial, unsubstantial, unsusceptible, unsympathetic, untouchable, visionary, wish-fulfilling