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bath synonyms and bath related words

Synonyms -> bath synonyms

List of bath synonyms and bath related words.

Finnish bath, Japanese bath, Russian bath, Swedish bath, Turkish bath, acid bath, affusion, aquamanile, aspergation, aspersion, automatic dishwasher, bagnio, balneae, balneum, baptism, basin, bathe, bathhouse, bathing, bathroom, baths, bathtub, bedewing, bidet, caldarium, cold shower, dampening, damping, deluge, dewing, dip, dishpan, dishwasher, douche, drowning, ewer, finger bowl, fixing bath, flooding, hip bath, hosing, hosing down, humidification, hummum, immersion, inundation, irrigation, kitchen sink, lavabo, lavatory, laving, mercury bath, mikvah, moistening, needle bath, piscina, plunge bath, public baths, rest room, rinsing, sauna, sauna bath, sheep dip, shower, shower bath, shower curtain, shower head, shower room, shower stall, showers, sink, sitz bath, spa, sparging, spattering, splashing, splattering, sponge, sponge bath, spraying, sprinkling, steam room, submersion, sudarium, sudatorium, swashing, sweat bath, sweat room, tepidarium, thermae, tub, wash, wash barrel, wash boiler, washbasin, washbowl, washdish, washer, washing machine, washing pot, washpot, washroom, washstand, washtub, watering, watering place, wetting, whirlpool bath