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beggary synonyms and beggary related words

Synonyms -> beggary synonyms

List of beggary synonyms and beggary related words.

absence, bare cupboard, bare subsistence, beggarliness, begging, bumming, cadging, defectiveness, deficiency, deficit, deprivation, destitution, drought, empty purse, famine, grinding poverty, gripe, hand-to-mouth existence, homelessness, impecuniousness, imperfection, impoverishment, incompleteness, indigence, lack, mendicancy, mendicity, moneylessness, mooching, necessitousness, necessity, need, neediness, omission, panhandling, pauperism, pauperization, penury, pinch, privation, scrounging, shortage, shortcoming, shortfall, starvation, want, wantage