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bidet synonyms and bidet related words

Synonyms -> bidet synonyms

List of bidet synonyms and bidet related words.

aquamanile, automatic dishwasher, basin, bath, bathtub, carriage horse, cart horse, cavalry horse, dishpan, dishwasher, draft horse, dray horse, driving horse, ewer, fill horse, filler, finger bowl, gigster, hack, hackney, hunter, jument, kitchen sink, lavabo, lavatory, lead, leader, mount, pack horse, palfrey, piscina, plow horse, pole horse, polo pony, post-horse, remount, rider, riding horse, road horse, roadster, rouncy, saddle horse, saddler, shaft horse, shower, shower bath, shower curtain, shower head, shower room, shower stall, showers, sink, stalking-horse, sumpter, sumpter horse, thill horse, thiller, tub, wash barrel, wash boiler, washbasin, washbowl, washdish, washer, washing machine, washing pot, washpot, washstand, washtub, wheeler, wheelhorse, workhorse