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expedition synonyms and expedition related words

Synonyms -> expedition synonyms

List of expedition synonyms and expedition related words.

advance, advancement, adventure, agility, air speed, alacrity, briskness, campaign, celerity, circuit, clarification, course, crusade, decisiveness, dispatch, drive, easing, emprise, enterprise, excursion, expediting, expeditiousness, exploration, facilitation, fastness, flight, flit, flurry, forwarding, furtherance, goodwill, grand tour, ground speed, haste, hastening, helping along, holy war, hurry, hustle, immediacy, immediateness, instantaneousness, jaunt, jihad, journey, junket, knots, lightning speed, miles per hour, mission, nimbleness, outing, package tour, peregrination, peregrinations, pilgrimage, pleasure trip, precipitation, preferential treatment, progress, promotion, promptitude, promptness, punctuality, punctualness, quest, quickening, quickness, rapidity, readiness, round pace, round trip, rpm, rubberneck tour, run, rush, rushing, rustle, safari, sally, sharpness, shoot, simplification, simplifying, smartness, smoothing, snappiness, special treatment, speed, speediness, speeding, spryness, stalk, streamlining, summariness, swift rate, swiftness, tour, travels, trek, trip, turn, undertaking, velocity, voyage, war