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falsehood synonyms and falsehood related words

Synonyms -> falsehood synonyms

List of falsehood synonyms and falsehood related words.

blague, canard, cock-and-bull story, credibility gap, deceit, dishonesty, dissimulation, distortion, erroneousness, error, exaggeration, fabrication, fairy tale, fakery, fallaciousness, fallacy, falseness, falsity, farfetched story, farrago, feigning, fib, fibbery, fibbing, fiction, fish story, flam, flimflam, fraud, ghost story, half-truth, inveracity, legal fiction, lie, little white lie, lying, mendaciousness, mendacity, misrepresentation, misstatement, mythomania, pious fiction, pretense, prevarication, pseudology, sham, slight stretching, story, tale, tall story, tall tale, taradiddle, trumped-up story, truthlessness, untrueness, untruth, untruthfulness, unveraciousness, white lie, yarn