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feeble synonyms and feeble related words

Synonyms -> feeble synonyms

List of feeble synonyms and feeble related words.

abulic, afraid, aged, ailing, anemic, anile, asthenic, backward, barely audible, blear, bleared, bleary, bloodless, blurred, blurry, cachectic, chicken, confused, cowardly, crabbed, dark, debilitated, decrepit, decrescendo, delicate, dim, dim-witted, distant, dizzy, doddered, doddering, doddery, drained, drooping, droopy, dull, effete, emasculated, enervated, enfeebled, etiolated, exhausted, failing, faint, faint-voiced, fainthearted, faintish, feckless, feebleminded, filmy, flabby, flaccid, flimsy, floppy, foggy, forceless, fossilized, fragile, frail, fuzzy, gentle, gerontal, gerontic, gone, gutless, half-baked, half-heard, half-seen, half-visible, half-witted, hazy, healthless, helpless, ill-defined, imbecile, imperceptible, impotent, impuissant, in poor health, inadequate, inconclusive, inconspicuous, indefinite, indistinct, indistinguishable, ineffective, ineffectual, infirm, insignificant, insubstantial, insufficient, invalid, invertebrate, lame, languid, languishing, languorous, limber, limp, listless, low, low-profile, lustless, marrowless, merely glimpsed, misty, moribund, moronic, mossbacked, moth-eaten, mummylike, murmured, namby-pamby, nerveless, obscure, out of focus, pale, palsied, paltry, papery-skinned, peaked, peaky, pianissimo, piano, pithless, pliable, pooped, poor, powerless, puny, ravaged with age, reduced, reduced in health, rickety, rubbery, run to seed, run-down, rusty, sapless, scarcely heard, semivisible, senile, shadowy, shaky, shoddy, shriveled, sickly, simpleminded, sinewless, slack, slight, slow, slow-witted, soft, soft-sounding, soft-voiced, spineless, spiritless, strengthless, stricken in years, subaudible, subdued, thin, timeworn, tottering, tottery, unavailing, uncertain, unclear, unconvincing, undefined, unhardened, unhealthy, unmanned, unnerved, unplain, unproved, unrecognizable, unrigorous, unsatisfactory, unsound, unstrung, unsubstantial, unsustained, vague, valetudinarian, valetudinary, weak, weak-kneed, weak-minded, weak-voiced, weak-willed, weakened, weakly, wet, whispered, wishy-washy, with low resistance, withered, wizened, woozy