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frugal synonyms and frugal related words

Synonyms -> frugal synonyms

List of frugal synonyms and frugal related words.

Lenten, Scotch, Spartan, abstemious, ascetic, austere, budget, canny, careful, chary, cheap, cheeseparing, conservational, conservative, conserving, discreet, dwarfed, dwarfish, easy, economic, economical, economizing, economy, exiguous, forehanded, frugal to excess, impoverished, inexpensive, jejune, labor-saving, lean, limited, low, low-priced, manageable, meager, mean, measured, meticulous, miserly, moderate, modest, money-saving, narrow, negligible, niggardly, nominal, overfrugal, paltry, parsimonious, penny-pinching, penny-wise, penny-wise and pound-foolish, penurious, piddling, poor, preserving, provident, prudent, prudential, puny, reasonable, restrained, saving, scamping, scant, scanty, scrawny, scrimp, scrimping, scrimpy, sensible, shabby, shoddy, skimp, skimping, skimpy, slender, slight, slim, small, sober, spare, sparing, starvation, stingy, stinted, stinting, straitened, stunted, subsistence, temperate, thin, thrifty, tight-fisted, time-saving, token, too frugal, unexpensive, unnourishing, unnutritious, unwasteful, wary, watered, watery, within means, worth the money