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funereal synonyms and funereal related words

Synonyms -> funereal synonyms

List of funereal synonyms and funereal related words.

Acheronian, Acherontic, Cimmerian, Stygian, black, blackish, bleak, cinerary, clouded, cloudy, dark, dark and gloomy, dark-colored, darkish, darksome, depressing, depressive, dirgelike, disheartening, dismal, doleful, drear, drearisome, dreary, dusk, dusky, epitaphic, exequial, feral, funebrial, funebrious, funebrous, funeral, funerary, gloomful, glooming, gloomy, grave, gray, grievous, grim, ill-lighted, ill-lit, lowering, lugubrious, melancholy, morose, mortuary, mournful, necrological, nigrescent, obituary, obsequial, oppressive, overcast, sad, saturnine, sepulchral, sober, solemn, somber, sombrous, sorrowful, stormy, swart, swarthy, triste, unhappy, weariful, wearisome, weary, woeful