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immediately synonyms and immediately related words

Synonyms -> immediately synonyms

List of immediately synonyms and immediately related words.

PDQ, amain, anon, apace, at once, away, by forced marches, closely, contiguously, cursorily, decisively, directly, expeditiously, feverishly, forthwith, furiously, hand over fist, hastily, helter-skelter, hotfoot, hurriedly, hurry-scurry, in a jiffy, in a second, in a wink, in no time, in passing, instantaneously, instanter, instantly, intimately, just now, just then, momentaneously, momentarily, momently, now, on the dot, on the instant, on the nail, on the run, on the spot, pell-mell, pretty damned quick, promptly, pronto, quickly, right away, right now, right off, shortly, slapdash, smartly, soon, speedily, straightaway, straightway, subito, summarily, superficially, swiftly, this instant, tout de suite, when, with a rush, with all haste, with all speed, with dispatch, with haste, without delay, without further delay, without hesitation