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inquiry synonyms and inquiry related words

Synonyms -> inquiry synonyms

List of inquiry synonyms and inquiry related words.

amassing evidence, assize, audit, bone of contention, canvass, catechism, catechizing, change of venue, check, close inquiry, consumer research, consumer-preference survey, court-martial, cross-examination, cross-interrogatory, cross-question, debating point, delving, demand, department of investigation, detection, detective work, enquiry, examination, exhaustive study, exploration, feeler, hearing, indagation, inquest, inquirendo, inquisition, inspection, interrogation, interrogative, interrogatory, investigation, investigative bureau, issue, jury trial, leader, leading question, legislative investigation, legwork, mistrial, moot point, opinion poll, perscrutation, point at issue, point in question, poll, probe, probing, problem, public-opinion poll, query, querying, quest, question, question at issue, question mark, questionary, questioning, questionnaire, quodlibet, research, scrutiny, search, sifting, sleuthing, study, survey, topic, trial, trial balloon, trial by jury, vexed question, witch-hunt