List of keep synonyms and keep related words.
POW camp, TLC, abide, abide by, abstain, accede to, accommodate, accommodation, accommodations, accumulate, acknowledge, acropolis, act up to, adhere to, administer Communion, afford, afford support, agree to, aliment, alimentation, alimony, amass, arm, armor, arrest, attend Communion, attend Mass, attend to, attend to orders, backlog, balance, ballast, bastille, bastion, be faithful to, beachhead, bear, bear in mind, bear out, bear up, beat the drum, bed, bed and board, bide, bit, black hole, bless, block, blockhouse, blow the trumpet, board, board and room, bolster, bolster up, borstal, borstal institution, bosom, bottle up, box up, bread, bread and butter, breed, bridewell, bridgehead, bridle, brig, brood over, bunker, buttress, cage, camouflage, can, care, care for, carry, carry on, castle, celebrate, celebrate Mass, cell, champion, charge, check, cherish, citadel, cling to, clink, clip, cloak, cloister, clothe, collect, commemorate, communicate, compass about, comply, comply with, conceal, concentration camp, condemned cell, conduct, confine, conform, conform to, consecrate, conserve, constrain, contain, continue, continue to be, control, cool, cool off, cooler, coop, coop in, coop up, copyright, cork up, counterbalance, cover, crib, crutch, culture, cumulate, curb, curtail, cushion, custodianship, custody, daily bread, death cell, death house, death row, decelerate, defeat time, defend, defer to, defy time, deny, detain, detention camp, deter, direct, disallow, discourage, do justice to, dompt, donate, donjon, dress ship, dungeon, dwell, dwell on, dwell upon, economic support, embosom, embrace, encage, enclose, endow, endowment, endure, enjoin, enjoy, ensure, entertain, exist, extend, facilities, fan the embers, farm, fasthold, fastness, fatten, federal prison, feed, fence, fence in, fend, fill, fill up, finance, find, fire a salute, firm, firm up, follow, follow the book, fondle, food, forbear, forbid, forced-labor camp, fort, fortress, foster, freeze, fulfill, fund, furnish, gaol, garner, garner up, garrison, garrison house, gather into barns, give, give support, go on, govern, grow, guarantee, guard, guardhouse, guarding, hallow, hang on to, harbor, harken to, hatch, have, have and hold, have in mind, haven, heap up, heed, hem in, hide, hinder, hoard, hoard up, hold, hold at bay, hold back, hold by, hold down, hold fast, hold in, hold in check, hold in custody, hold in leash, hold in mind, hold in restraint, hold jubilee, hold on, hold on to, hold out, hold up, honor, house of correction, house of detention, hug, husband, immobilize, immure, impound, imprison, incarcerate, industrial school, inhibit, insure, internment camp, invest, jail, jailhouse, jubilate, jubilize, jug, keep alive, keep back, keep by one, keep dark, keep faith with, keep from, keep from harm, keep going, keep in, keep in check, keep in custody, keep in detention, keep in memory, keep in mind, keep in reserve, keep in store, keep in view, keep intact, keep inviolate, keep on, keep on hand, keep out, keep safe, keep the faith, keep under control, keep up, keeping, labor camp, last, last long, last out, laud, lay by, lay under restraint, lay up, lend support, lengthen, listen to, live, live on, live through, live up to, livelihood, living, lock in, lockup, lodgings, look after, maffick, maintain, maintenance, make available, make good, make merry, make provision for, make safe, manage, manna, mark, martello, martello tower, mask, maximum-security prison, meat, meet, memorialize, mew, mew up, mind, minimum-security prison, mote, mothering, motte, muzzle, nail down, nestle, not destroy, not endanger, not expend, not use up, not waste, nourish, nourishment, nurse, nurture, nutriment, obey, obey the rules, observe, obstruct, operate, ordain, oubliette, own, pabulum, pap, patent, pay attention to, peel, peel tower, pen, pen up, penal colony, penal institution, penal settlement, penitentiary, perdure, perennate, perpetuate, persist, persist in, pile up, pillbox, pin down, pokey, police, possess, post, pound, praise, prepare, present, preserve, prevail, prevent, preventive custody, price support, prison, prison camp, prisonhouse, prohibit, prolong, prop, prop up, protect, protection, protective custody, protract, provide, provide for, provision, pull, pull in, put apart, put aside, put away, put by, put up, rail in, raise, ranch, rath, rear, receive the Sacrament, recruit, refection, reform school, reformatory, refreshment, regard, register, rein, rein in, reinforce, remain, replenish, repress, reserve, respect, restrain, restrict, retain, retard, retrench, ride shotgun for, run, run on, safeguard, safehold, safekeeping, sanctify, satisfy, save, save up, screen, seal up, secrete, secure, set apart, set aside, set back, set by, shackle, shelter, shield, shore, shore up, shroud, shut in, shut up, signalize, slow down, smother, snub, solemnize, solemnly mark, sound a fanfare, spare, sponging house, squirrel, squirrel away, stabilitate, stabilize, stand, stand up, state prison, stay, stay in line, stay on, steady, stick, stifle, stir, stock, stock up, stockade, stockpile, store, store up, stow away, straiten, strong point, stronghold, submit, subsidization, subsidize, subsidy, subsist, subsistence, subvention, subventionize, supply, support, suppress, survive, sustain, sustainment, sustenance, sustentation, take orders, tarry, tend, tender loving care, the hole, tide over, toe the line, tollbooth, tower, tower of strength, training school, transfix, treasure, treasure up, undergird, underwrite, upbear, uphold, upkeep, victual, wall in, ward, watch over, wear, wear well, withhold, yield