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malleable synonyms and malleable related words

Synonyms -> malleable synonyms

List of malleable synonyms and malleable related words.

able to adapt, accessible, acquiescent, adaptable, adaptive, adjustable, alterable, alterative, amenable, apt, bendable, bending, biddable, bright, changeable, checkered, clever, complaisant, compliant, conformable, convenient, docile, ductile, educable, elastic, ever-changing, extensible, extensile, fabricable, facile, feasible, fictile, flexible, flexile, flexuous, fluid, foolproof, formable, formative, giving, governable, handy, impermanent, impressible, impressionable, influenceable, instructable, intelligent, kaleidoscopic, like putty, limber, lissome, lithe, lithesome, manageable, maneuverable, many-sided, metamorphic, mobile, modifiable, moldable, motivated, movable, mutable, nonuniform, obedient, open, open-minded, other-directed, permutable, persuadable, persuasible, pervious, plastic, pliable, pliant, practical, protean, proteiform, quick, ready, receptive, resilient, responsive, ripe for instruction, rubbery, schoolable, sensitive, sequacious, shapable, springy, suasible, submissive, suggestible, supple, susceptible, swayable, teachable, thirsty for knowledge, tractable, tractile, trainable, transformable, transient, transitory, untroublesome, variable, weak, whippy, wieldable, wieldy, willing, willowy, yielding