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maniac synonyms and maniac related words

Synonyms -> maniac synonyms

List of maniac synonyms and maniac related words.

aliene, batty, bedlamite, berserk, borderline case, crackbrain, cracked, crackpot, crazed, crazy, delirious, dement, demented, demoniac, deranged, energumen, enthusiast, fan, fanatic, fiend, flake, fou, frantic, freak, frenetic, frenzied, furious, idiot, kook, loon, loony, lunatic, mad, madman, meshuggenah, non compos, noncompos, nut, phrenetic, psychopath, psychotic, rabid, raging, ranting, raving lunatic, screwball, unsound, violent, weirdo, wild, zealot