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A per se, a outrance, about, absolutely, ace, acme, all but, all out, almost, approximately, at the height, at the limit, authority, authorization, be-all and end-all, best, best part, better, better part, beyond all bounds, beyond compare, beyond comparison, beyond measure, blue ribbon, body, boss, bulk, champion, championship, chief, command, commander, completely, control, dead, dean, directorship, dominion, downright, effectiveness, egregiously, eminently, essence, essentially, exceedingly, extreme, extremely, far and away, far out, first place, first prize, first-class, first-rate, flat out, fugleman, fundamentally, furthest, generality, genius, gist, gravamen, greater, greatest, head, headship, hegemony, height, higher-up, highest, immeasurably, imperium, in the extreme, incalculably, incomparably, indefinitely, infinitely, influence, inimitably, jurisdiction, kingship, laureate, leader, leadership, lordship, main body, major part, majority, management, mass, master, mastership, mastery, maximal, maximum, meat, mightily, more than half, mortally, much, ne plus ultra, nearabout, new high, nigh, nonpareil, palms, par excellence, paragon, paramountcy, paramountly, perfectly, plurality, power, practically, preeminently, preponderance, preponderancy, presidency, primacy, principal, prodigy, prominently, purely, radical, radically, record, remarkably, rule, ruler, say, senior, sovereignty, star, substance, super, superior, superlative, superlatively, superman, superstar, supremacy, supreme, supremely, surpassingly, sway, the greatest, the greatest number, the most, thrust, tip-top, to crown all, too, too much, top, top dog, top spot, top-notch, topmost, totally, transcendently, ultra, ultra-ultra, unconditionally, unequivocally, uppermost, utmost, utterly, uttermost, virtuoso, way out, well-nigh, with a vengeance, zenith