List of mouse synonyms and mouse related words.
Milquetoast, baby, bantam, banty, big baby, black eye, black-and-blue mark, bruise, busybody, button, chick, chicken, chicken liver, chit, contusion, coward, creep, diminutive, ecchymosis, featherweight, fingerling, fraid-cat, fraidy-cat, funk, funker, gal, girl, glide, invertebrate, jellyfish, lady friend, lass, lightweight, lily liver, milksop, mini, minikin, minnow, minny, modest violet, nose, nubbin, peewee, poke, pony, pry, runt, scaredy-cat, shiner, shrimp, shrinking violet, sissy, slide, slip, small fry, snip, snippet, snook, tit, wart, weak sister, weakling, white feather, white liver, wisp