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novice synonyms and novice related words

Synonyms -> novice synonyms

List of novice synonyms and novice related words.

abbess, abecedarian, alphabetarian, amateur, apprentice, articled clerk, baby, beginner, boot, canoness, catechumen, clergywoman, colt, conventual, cub, deb, debutant, entrant, fledgling, freshman, greenhorn, greeny, ignoramus, inductee, infant, initiate, lady superior, learner, mother superior, neophyte, nestling, new boy, newcomer, novitiate, nun, postulant, prentice, prioress, probationer, probationist, proselyte, punk, raw recruit, recruit, religieuse, rookie, secular canoness, sister, student, superioress, tenderfoot, the reverend mother, trainee, tyro, undergraduate