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palliative synonyms and palliative related words

Synonyms -> palliative synonyms

List of palliative synonyms and palliative related words.

alleviating, alleviative, alleviator, allowance, altering, analgesic, anesthetic, anodyne, apologetic, assuager, assuasive, balm, balmy, balsamic, benumbing, bounding, calmant, calmative, cathartic, cleansing, color, cushion, deadening, decontamination, demulcent, dolorifuge, dulling, easing, emollient, excusatory, excusing, extenuating, extenuating circumstances, extenuation, extenuative, extenuatory, gilding, gloss, justificatory, justifying, lenitive, limitative, limiting, mitigating, mitigation, mitigative, mitigator, mitigatory, moderator, modificatory, modifying, modulator, modulatory, mollifier, numbing, pacificator, pacifier, pain-killing, palliation, peacemaker, purgative, qualification, qualificative, qualificatory, qualifying, refuting, rehabilitative, relieving, remedial, restraining hand, restricting, restrictive, salve, sedative, shock absorber, softening, soother, soothing, soothing syrup, stabilizer, subduing, temperer, tranquilizer, varnish, vindicative, vindicatory, whitewash, whitewashing, wiser head