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partial synonyms and partial related words

Synonyms -> partial synonyms

List of partial synonyms and partial related words.

AF, adulterated, antiblack, arrested, audio frequency, biased, blemished, callow, chauvinistic, colored, damaged, defective, deficient, denominational, discriminatory, doctrinaire, dogmatic, embryonic, erroneous, factional, failing, fallible, faulty, fond of, found wanting, fractional, fragmentary, frequency, fundamental, fundamental tone, half, halfway, harmonic, hypoplastic, immature, impaired, imperfect, imprecise, impure, in arrear, in arrears, in default, in favor of, in short supply, inaccurate, inadequate, inclined, incomplete, inexact, infant, influenced, interested, intonation, involved, jaundiced, know-nothing, lacking, makeshift, mediocre, missing, mixed, monotone, monotony, needing, nonobjective, not perfect, off, one-and-a-half, one-sided, opinionated, overtone, part, partial to, partial tone, partisan, partly, party, patchy, pitch, predisposed to, prejudiced, prepossessed, racist, scant, scanty, scrappy, sectarian, sectary, sectional, segmental, segmentary, sexist, short, shy, sketchy, superpatriotic, swayed, tendentious, tone, tonelessness, twisted, ultranationalist, underdeveloped, undetached, undeveloped, undispassionate, uneven, unfair, unfinished, unneutral, unperfected, unsound, unthorough, wanting, warped, xenophobic