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patient synonyms and patient related words

Synonyms -> patient synonyms

List of patient synonyms and patient related words.

Spartan, accepting, accommodating, acquiescent, apoplectic, armed with patience, arthritic, assiduous, benevolent, bovine, case, charitable, clement, compassionate, compliant, conciliatory, constant, consumptive, continuing, determined, diligent, disciplined, dispassionate, dogged, dull, dyspeptic, easy, easygoing, endurant, enduring, epileptic, even-tempered, faithful, firm, forbearant, forbearing, forgiving, generous, gentle, guinea pig, humane, immutable, impassive, imperturbable, inalterable, incurable, indefatigable, indomitable, indulgent, industrious, inexcitable, inirritable, inpatient, insistent, invalid, invincible, kind, laboratory animal, lasting, lax, lenient, long-suffering, longanimous, loyal, magnanimous, merciful, mild, moderate, never-tiring, obstinate, outpatient, passive, patient as Job, permanent, perseverant, persevering, persistent, persisting, pertinacious, philosophical, placable, plodding, plugging, preoccupied, rapt, relentless, resigned, resolute, resolved, rheumatic, sedulous, self-controlled, self-possessed, serene, shut-in, sick person, single-minded, sleepless, slogging, soft, sparing, spastic, stable, staunch, steadfast, steady, stoic, stoical, stolid, stubborn, subject, submissive, sufferer, tenacious, tender, terminal case, testee, the sick, tireless, tolerant, tolerating, tolerative, unabating, unconquerable, undaunted, understanding, undiscouraged, undisturbable, undrooping, unfailing, unfaltering, unflagging, unflappable, unflinching, unintermitting, uninterrupted, unirritable, unnervous, unnodding, unpassionate, unrelaxing, unrelenting, unremitting, unresentful, unrevengeful, unsleeping, unswerving, untiring, unwavering, unwearied, unwearying, unwinking, unyielding, utterly attentive, valetudinarian, weariless