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share synonyms and share related words

Synonyms -> share synonyms

List of share synonyms and share related words.

adjunct, allocate, allocation, allot, allotment, allowance, apportion, apportionment, appropriate, appropriation, assign, be affected, be in tune, be inspired, be involved, be moved, be partners in, big end, bigger half, bit, bite, block, board lot, broadcast, budget, care about, carve, carve up, catch the flame, catch the infection, change color, chunk, claim, color with emotion, commission, communicate, component, contingent, convey, cooperate, cross section, cut, cut up, deal, deal out, destiny, detachment, detail, dig, dispensation, dispense, disseminate, divide, divide into shares, divide up, divide with, dividend, division, divvy, divvy up, divvy up with, dole, dole out, due, dummy share, echo, empathize with, end, equal share, equity, even lot, experience, fate, fraction, fractional lot, full lot, get across, get over, give, give out, give word, go even stephen, go fifty-fifty, go halvers, go halves, go shares, half, halve, halver, hand on, helping, holding, holdings, identify with, impart, installment, interest, item, leave word, lot, make known, measure, meed, mess, mete out, modicum, moiety, odd lot, parcel, part, partake, participate, particular, partition, pass, pass along, pass on, pay out, percentage, piece, portion, preference share, proportion, prorate, quadrant, quantum, quarter, quota, quotient, quotum, rake-off, random sample, ration, react, relate to emotionally, remainder, render, report, respond, round lot, sample, sampling, section, sector, segment, send, send word, serving, share in, share out, share with, shift, signal, slice, slice the pie, slice up, small share, split, split the difference, split up, stake, stock, stockholding, stockholdings, subdivision, subgroup, subspecies, sympathize with, tell, transfer, transmit