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shortened synonyms and shortened related words

Synonyms -> shortened synonyms

List of shortened synonyms and shortened related words.

Spartan, abbreviated, abridged, abstracted, aposiopestic, bobbed, brief, brusque, capsule, capsulized, clipped, close, compact, compendious, compressed, concise, condensed, contracted, crisp, cropped, curt, curtailed, cut, cut short, digested, docked, elided, elliptic, epigrammatic, gnomic, laconic, mowed, mown, nipped, pithy, pointed, pollard, polled, pruned, reaped, reserved, sententious, shaved, sheared, short, short and sweet, short-cut, snub, snubbed, succinct, summary, synopsized, taciturn, terse, tight, to the point, trimmed, truncated