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similitude synonyms and similitude related words

Synonyms -> similitude synonyms

List of similitude synonyms and similitude related words.

accordance, affinity, agreement, alikeness, allegory, alliance, ally, alter ego, analogon, analogue, analogy, aping, approach, approximation, assimilation, associate, balancing, brother, certified copy, close copy, close match, closeness, cognate, community, companion, comparability, comparative anatomy, comparative degree, comparative grammar, comparative judgment, comparative linguistics, comparative literature, comparative method, compare, comparing, comparison, complement, conformity, confrontation, confrontment, congenator, congener, contrast, contrastiveness, coordinate, copy, copying, correlate, correlation, correlative, correspondence, correspondent, counterfeit, counterpart, dead ringer, distinction, distinctiveness, double, duplicate, ectype, effigy, equivalent, exact likeness, fair copy, faithful copy, fake, fellow, forgery, icon, identity, idol, image, imitation, kindred spirit, like, likeness, likening, living image, living picture, match, matching, mate, metaphor, mimicking, miniature, mirroring, model, near duplicate, nearness, obverse, opposing, opposition, parallel, parallelism, parity, pasticcio, pastiche, pendant, phony, photograph, picture, portrait, proportion, reciprocal, reflection, relation, replica, representation, resemblance, rubbing, sameness, second self, semblance, shadow, similarity, simile, simulacrum, simulation, sister, soul mate, spit and image, spitting image, such, suchlike, tally, the like of, the likes of, trace, tracing, trope of comparison, twin, very image, very picture, weighing