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sinker synonyms and sinker related words

Synonyms -> sinker synonyms

List of sinker synonyms and sinker related words.

Brussels biscuit, Melba toast, apple fritter, beignet, beignet aux pommes, biscuit, bismarck, bob, bowl, cast, change of pace, change-up, chuck, chunk, cracker, cruller, curve, doughnut, downcurve, fastball, fastnacht, fling, flip, forward pass, friedcake, fritter, graham cracker, hardtack, heave, hurl, incurve, knuckleball, lateral, lateral pass, lead, lob, olykoek, outcurve, pass, peg, pilot biscuit, pitch, plumb, plummet, pretzel, put, raised doughnut, rusk, saltine, sandbag, screwball, sea biscuit, serve, service, ship biscuit, shot-put, shy, slider, sling, soda cracker, spitball, spitter, throw, toss, twister, upcurve, wafer, weight, zwieback