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sputter synonyms and sputter related words

Synonyms -> sputter synonyms

List of sputter synonyms and sputter related words.

assibilate, assibilation, barrage, beat, beat a ruffle, beat a tattoo, beating, bicker, blubber, bluff, bluster, bluster and bluff, blustering, boastfulness, bounce, brag, bravado, bully, bullying, bustle, buzz, crackle, dance, drone, drum, drum music, drumbeat, drumfire, drumming, effervesce, effervescence, effervescing, ejaculate, eject, fanfaronade, fizz, fizzle, fizzling, flap, flick, flicker, flip, flit, flitter, flop, flurry, fluster, flutter, frication, frictional rustling, fuss, gabble, gasconade, gibber, go pitapat, gutter, heckle, hector, hectoring, hiss, hissing, hush, hushing, intimidate, intimidation, jabber, lisp, maunder, mouth, mumble, murmur, mutter, out-herod Herod, palpitate, palpitation, paradiddle, patter, pitapat, pitter-patter, pop, pound, pounding, pulsate, pulsation, pulse, quiver, rage, rant, rat-a-tat, rat-tat, rat-tat-tat, rataplan, rattattoo, rave, rhonchus, rip out, rodomontade, roister, roll, rollick, rub-a-dub, ruff, ruffle, shake, shush, shushing, sibilance, sibilate, sibilation, side, siffle, sigmatism, siss, sissing, sizz, sizzle, sizzling, slang, slat, sneeze, sneezing, sniff, sniffle, snore, snort, snuff, snuffle, sob, sound a tattoo, spatter, speak incoherently, spit, splatter, splutter, squash, squelch, squish, staccato, sternutation, susurrate, swagger, swashbuckle, swashbucklery, swish, tat-tat, tattoo, throb, throbbing, throw out, thrum, thump, thumping, tom-tom, vapor, wave, waver, wheeze, whish, whisper, whistle, whistling, white noise, whiz, whoosh, zip