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stated synonyms and stated related words

Synonyms -> stated synonyms

List of stated synonyms and stated related words.

accessible, affirmed, alleged, anchored, announced, ascertained, asserted, asseverated, assured, attested, averred, avouched, avowed, broadcast, brought to notice, certain, certified, circulated, circumscribed, circumscript, common knowledge, common property, conditional, current, decided, declared, defined, definite, delimited, demarcated, deposed, determinate, determined, diffused, disseminated, distributed, encircled, enunciated, established, fastened, fixed, given, guaranteed, hedged about, in circulation, in print, in the bag, made public, made sure, manifestoed, nailed down, on ice, open, open-and-shut, pledged, predicated, proclaimed, professed, pronounced, propagated, proved, provisional, provisory, public, published, reported, riveted, secure, set, settled, specific, specificative, specified, spread, staple, stipulated, stipulatory, surrounded, sworn, sworn to, telecast, televised, tested, tried, vouched, vouched for, vowed, warranted