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substantiate synonyms and substantiate related words

Synonyms -> substantiate synonyms

List of substantiate synonyms and substantiate related words.

adduce, affirm, anatomize, assay, atomize, attest, authenticate, back, back up, bear out, body, bolster, bring to test, buttress, certify, circumstantiate, cite, confirm, corporealize, corporify, corroborate, cut and try, demonstrate, descend to particulars, detail, document, embody, enter into detail, essay, experiment, exteriorize, externalize, fortify, give a try, give a tryout, give full particulars, have a go, incarnate, incorporate, instance, itemize, justify, manifest, materialize, objectify, particularize, personalize, personify, play around with, practice upon, probate, prove, put to trial, ratify, reembody, reincarnate, reinforce, research, road-test, run a sample, sample, shake down, specify, spell out, strengthen, substantialize, substantify, support, sustain, taste, test, transmigrate, try, try it on, try out, undergird, uphold, validate, verify, warrant