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tentative synonyms and tentative related words

Synonyms -> tentative synonyms

List of tentative synonyms and tentative related words.

acting, ad hoc, ad interim, alternate, alternative, ambling, analytic, apprehensive, awkward, backup, band-aid, blankminded, callow, canny, careful, cautious, circumspect, claudicant, counterfeit, crawling, creeping, creeping like snail, cut-and-try, dangerous, deliberate, demurring, desultory, determined, diffident, discreet, disinclined, dumb, dummy, easy, empirical, empty, empty-headed, equivalent, ersatz, examinational, examinatorial, examining, experimental, explorational, explorative, exploratory, fact-finding, fake, faltering, feeling, flagging, foot-dragging, gauche, gentle, gingerly, gradual, green, groping, guarded, halting, hazardous, heedful, hesitant, hesitating, heuristic, hit-or-miss, hobbled, hobbling, idle, ignorant, imitation, improvisational, improvised, inane, indagative, indecisive, indolent, inexperienced, infirm, innocent, insecure, inspectional, inspectorial, insubstantial, interim, investigational, investigative, investigatory, irresolute, jibbing, judicious, jury-rigged, know-nothing, languid, languorous, lazy, leaving out nothing, leisurely, limping, lumbering, makeshift, makeshifty, mindful, mock, moderate, naive, nescient, noncommittal, on guard, overlooking no possibility, pawky, perilous, phony, pilot, pinch, poking, poky, politic, precarious, probationary, probative, probatory, proving, provisional, provisory, proxy, prudent, raw, regardful, relaxed, reluctant, reserve, resolute, risky, safe, sauntering, scrupling, secondary, shaky, shifting, shifty, shilly-shallying, shuffling, shy, simple, slack, slippery, slothful, slow, slow as death, slow as molasses, slow as slow, slow to act, slow-crawling, slow-foot, slow-going, slow-legged, slow-moving, slow-paced, slow-poky, slow-running, slow-sailing, slow-stepped, sluggish, snail-paced, snaillike, spare, speculative, staggering, sticking, stickling, stopgap, straining, strange to, strolling, substitute, temporary, test, testing, thorough, ticklish, timid, toddling, token, tortoiselike, tottering, treacherous, trial, trial-and-error, trudging, trying, turtlelike, unacquainted, unadventurous, unapprized, uncertain, uncommunicative, uncomprehending, unconversant, undaring, undependable, uneasy, unenlightened, unenterprising, unfaithworthy, unfamiliar, unhurried, unilluminated, uninformed, uninitiated, unintelligent, unknowing, unposted, unprecipitate, unreliable, unsound, unstable, unsteadfast, unsteady, unsubstantial, unsure, untrustworthy, unversed, utility, vacillatory, vacuous, venturesome, verificatory, vicarious, waddling, willing, wobbly, zetetic