List of unaccommodating synonyms and unaccommodating related words.
beefing, bellyaching, bitching, complaining, complaintful, crabbing, crabby, cranky, croaking, disappointed, discontented, discourteous, disgruntled, displeased, disregardful, disrespectful, dissatisfied, envious, faultfinding, forgetful, griping, grouchy, grousing, growling, grumbling, heedless, impolite, inaffable, inconsiderate, insolent, malcontent, malcontented, mindless, murmuring, muttering, out of humor, peevish, petulant, querulant, querulous, rebellious, resentful, respectless, restive, restless, rude, sulky, thoughtless, unaccepting, uncivil, uncomplaisant, uncooperative, uncourteous, uncourtly, uneasy, unfulfilled, ungallant, ungracious, ungratified, unhappy, unheedful, unhelpful, unmindful, unobliging, unpolite, unsatisfied, unthinking, unthoughtful, whiny