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unearth synonyms and unearth related words

Synonyms -> unearth synonyms

List of unearth synonyms and unearth related words.

ascertain, avulse, bring to light, catch on, come across, cut out, delve, deracinate, determine, dig, dig out, dig up, disclose, discover, disentangle, disinter, draw, draw out, dredge, dredge up, eradicate, evolve, evulse, excavate, excise, exhibit, exhume, expose, exsect, extract, extricate, ferret out, find, find out, fish up, get out, gouge out, grub up, hear, learn, mine, pick out, pluck out, pluck up, pull, pull out, pull up, quarry, rake out, remove, reveal, rip out, root out, root up, see, show, take out, tear out, tumble, turn up, uncover, unravel, uproot, weed out, withdraw, worm out, wrest out