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Synonyms -> unlock synonyms

List of unlock synonyms and unlock related words.

account for, allegorize, answer, bare, bottom, cast off, clarify, clear, clear up, crack, debug, decipher, decode, demonstrate, demythologize, deobstruct, detach, disclose, disengage, disentangle, divine, do, doff, dope, dope out, elucidate, enlighten, euhemerize, exemplify, explain, explain away, explicate, expose, exposit, expound, fathom, figure out, find out, find the answer, find the solution, free, get, get right, give reason for, give the meaning, guess, guess right, have it, hit it, illuminate, illustrate, interpret, liberate, loose, loosen, make clear, make out, make plain, manifest, open the lock, patefy, plumb, popularize, psych, psych out, puzzle out, rationalize, ravel, ravel out, release, remove, resolve, reveal, riddle, shed light upon, show, show how, show the way, simplify, solve, sort out, spell out, take off, throw light upon, unbar, unbind, unblock, unbolt, unbridle, unbuckle, unbutton, uncage, uncase, unchain, unclasp, unclench, unclog, unclutch, uncork, uncover, uncurtain, undo, undrape, unfasten, unfetter, unfold, unfoul, ungag, unglue, unhandcuff, unhobble, unlace, unlash, unlatch, unleash, unloose, unloosen, unmanacle, unmuzzle, unpen, unpinion, unplug, unravel, unriddle, unroll, unscramble, unseal, unshackle, unsheathe, unshut, unstick, unstop, unstrap, untangle, untether, untie, untruss, untwist, unveil, unweave, unwrap, unyoke, weigh anchor, work, work out