List of vessel synonyms and vessel related words.
Eustachian tube, Fallopian tube, LC, LSD, LSM, SC, aircraft carrier, aircraft tender, ammunition ship, argosy, ark, assault transport, bark, battleship, bawley, beaker, bilander, blackjack, boat, bomb ketch, bottom, bowl, brig, brigantine, bucket, bully, buss, canal, capital ship, caravel, carrier, cat, catamaran, chalice, clipper, coast guard cutter, coffee cup, communications ship, container, convoy, corsair, corvette, craft, cruiser, cutter, dandy, depot ship, destroyer, destroyer leader, destroyer tender, dhow, dispatch boat, dreadnought, dromond, duct, eagle boat, eggcup, emunctory, escort carrier, escort vessel, fire ship, first-rate, fishing smack, fistula, flagship, flattie, flattop, four-masted bark, four-master, frigate, fuel ship, galiot, galleass, galleon, glass, goblet, guided missile cruiser, gunboat, heavy cruiser, highball glass, holder, hooker, horn, hospital ship, hoy, hulk, hull, ice yacht, intestines, ironclad, jigger, junk, keel, keelboat, ketch, knockabout, landing craft, lateen, lateener, leviathan, liberty boat, light cruiser, line-of-battle ship, lorcha, loving cup, lugger, meatus, mine sweeper, minisub, monitor, mosquito boat, mug, nobby, noggin, ocean racer, ostium, outrigger, oviduct, packet, patrol boat, picketboat, pilot boat, pinnace, piragua, pirogue, pony, pore, pram, privateer, protected cruiser, pungy, racing yacht, raider, ram, receiver, receiving ship, receptacle, reconnaissance ship, rigger, rocket boat, sailing auxiliary, sailing canoe, sailing dinghy, sailing packet, sailing trawler, salpinx, sampan, sandbagger, schooner, schooper, scooter, scout, scout cruiser, seaplane carrier, shallop, sharpie, shell, ship, ship of war, shipentine, shipplane carrier, shot glass, skipjack, sloop, smack, smack boat, snow, spy ship, stein, storeship, storm boat, submarine, submarine chaser, submarine patrol boat, submarine tender, submersible, superdreadnought, sweeper, tankard, tanker, tartan, tassie, teacup, tender, thoracic duct, topsail schooner, transport, trimaran, troopship, tub, tumbler, turret ship, ureter, urethra, utensil, vagina, vas, warship, watercraft, well smack, whaler, wineglass, wool-clipper, xebec, yacht, yawl