List of vice synonyms and vice related words.
advocate, alter ego, alternate, amicus curiae, as proxy for, as representing, attorney, backup, backup man, bad habit, badness, besetting sin, blemish, champion, corruption, crime, criminal tendency, criminality, criminosis, debasement, debauchery, decay, defect, deficiency, degeneracy, degradation, depravity, deputy, discourtesy, disorder, disorderliness, disorderly conduct, disruption, disruptiveness, dummy, evil, evil courses, evildoing, executive officer, exponent, failing, failure, fault, feloniousness, figurehead, flaw, foible, for, frailty, frowned-upon behavior, hooliganism, horseplay, ill, immorality, imperfection, impropriety, in behalf of, in lieu of, in place of, in preference to, indecency, infirmity, iniquity, lawbreaking, licentiousness, lieutenant, locum, locum tenens, malfeasance, malpractice, malversation, misbehavior, misconduct, misdemeanor, misdoing, misfeasance, misprision, misprision of treason, moral flaw, naughtiness, nonsanctioned behavior, on behalf of, paranymph, perversion, pinch hitter, pleader, positive misprision, procurator, profligacy, proxy, replacing, representative, rot, roughhouse, rowdiness, rowdyism, ruffianism, second in command, secondary, shortcoming, sin, sinfulness, squalor, stand-in, substitute, surrogate, thou scarlet sin, transgression, unchastity, understudy, utility man, vandalism, venality, venial sin, vicar, vicar general, vicegerent, viciousness, villainy, weak point, weak side, weakness, wickedness, wrong, wrong conduct, wrongdoing