List of yield synonyms and yield related words.
abandon, abdicate, abjure, accede, accept, accommodate, accommodate with, accord, acknowledge, acknowledge defeat, adapt, adapt to, adjust, adjust to, administer, admit, afford, aftermath, agree, agree provisionally, agree with, allot, allow, assent, assent grudgingly, assimilate to, avails, avow, award, back down, balance, be guided by, bear, bear fruit, bear up, bearing, bend, bestow, bestow on, bounce, bow, box office, break, break off combat, bring forth, bring in, bumper crop, capitulate, cater to, cave, cave in, cease, cease resistance, cede, chime in with, clothe, coddle, collapse, come apart, come unstuck, commissions, communicate, comply, comply with, compose, compound, compromise, concede, concur, condone, confer, confess, conform, conk out, consent, contribute, cop out, correct, correspond, cosset, countenance, credit, credits, crop, crumble, crumple, cry quits, deal, deal out, debate, decline, defer, deliberate, demur, desist from, discharge, discipline, disgorge, dish out, disintegrate, dispense, dispense with, disposable income, dispose of, dividend, dividends, do without, dole, dole out, donate, droop, drop, duck responsibility, dump, earn, earned income, earnings, eject, emit, endow, evade responsibility, express general agreement, extend, fade, fail, faint, fall in with, falter, favor, fear, fill, fill up, find, fit, fizzle out, flag, fold up, follow, forgo, fork out, forswear, fructify, fruit, fund, furnish, gain, gains, gate, gate receipts, gear to, generate, get, get along without, get rid of, gift, gift with, give, give and take, give away, give freely, give ground, give in, give out, give over, give place, give up, give way, give way to, go, go along with, go by, go fifty-fifty, go soft, go to pieces, grant, gratify, grin and abide, gross, gross income, gross receipts, hand in, hand out, hand over, hang back, harmonize, harvest, have done with, heap, hear, help to, hem and haw, hesitate, hit the skids, hold out, hover, hum and haw, humor, impart, income, indulge, intake, invest, issue, jib, keep, kiss good-bye, knuckle, knuckle under, languish, lavish, lay down, leave, leave off, let go by, let have, let pass, maintain, make, make a deal, make a sacrifice, make an adjustment, make available, make concessions, make conform, make provision for, meet, meet halfway, mete, mete out, mold, mollycoddle, net, net income, net receipts, not oppose, obey, oblige, observe, offer, output, overlook, own, pamper, part with, pause, pay, pay off, peg out, peter out, pine, play politics, please, ponder, poop out, pour, prepare, present, proceeds, produce, product, production, proffer, profit, profits, provide, provide for, pull back, quit the field, quitclaim, rain, reach a compromise, recant, receipt, receipts, receivables, recognize, reconcile, recruit, rectify, relax, relent, relinquish, render, render up, renounce, replenish, resign, resist, retract, retreat, return, returns, revenue, rise above, royalties, rub off corners, sacrifice, satisfy, scruple, second crop, serve, settle, shape, shell out, shilly-shally, shower, shrug, shrug it off, shy, sink, slip, snow, spare, split the difference, spoil, spring, spring back, stick at, stickle, stock, stop to consider, store, straddle the fence, straighten, strain at, strike a balance, strike a bargain, submit, submit to, subsidize, succumb, suit, supply, support, surrender, swear off, take, take the mean, take-in, takings, tally with, tender, think twice about, throughput, throw up, turn out, turn up, turnout, unbend, unearned income, vacate, vent, vintage, vouchsafe, waive, warrant, weaken, wear away, wear thin, wilt, withdraw, yield to